
API endpoints for retrieving or archiving stale (unused) items. Currently supports Dashboards and Cards.

GET metabase-enterprise.stale.api/:id

A flexible endpoint that returns stale entities, in the same shape as collections/items, with the following options:

  • before_date - only return entities that were last edited before this date (default: 6 months ago)
  • is_recursive - if true, return entities from all children of the collection, not just the direct children (default: false)
  • sort_column - the column to sort by (default: name)
  • sort_direction - the direction to sort by (default: asc).


  • id value must be an integer greater than zero., or must equal :root.

  • before_date nullable string.

  • is_recursive boolean.

  • sort_column nullable enum of :name, :last_used_at.

  • sort_direction nullable enum of :asc, :desc.

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