Debugging missing data in SQL query results

What to do when your query returns data that's missing rows or columns.

Where is your data missing?

Missing rows

Before you start, make sure you know the schemas of your source tables or nested queries.

  1. Check if your source tables or nested queries have missing rows.
  2. Check the table below to see if you are missing rows because of your join type.
  3. Check your join conditions in the ON clause. For example:

    -- The join condition below will filter out
    -- all transactions from the Orders table
    -- where the product category is 'Gizmo'.
        orders o
        JOIN products p ON o.product_id =
            AND p.category <> 'Gizmo';
  4. Check if your WHERE clause is interacting with your JOIN clause. For example:

    -- The WHERE clause below will filter out
    -- all transactions from the Orders table
    -- where the product category is 'Gizmo'.
        orders o
        JOIN products p ON o.product_id =
                       AND p.category = 'Gizmo'
        p.category <> 'Gizmo'
  5. If you want to add rows to your query result to fill in data that is empty, zero, or NULL, go to How to fill in data for missing report dates.

How joins filter out unmatched rows

Join type If join condition isn’t met
A INNER JOIN B Rows filtered out from both A and B.
A LEFT JOIN B Rows filtered out from B.
B LEFT JOIN A Rows filtered out from A.
A OUTER JOIN B Rows filtered out from both A and B.
A FULL JOIN B No rows are filtered out.


The order of the tables in your JOIN clause affects which rows the query returns.

For example, when you write a LEFT JOIN, the table that comes before the LEFT JOIN clause in your query is “on the left”. The rows from the table “on the right” (the table after the LEFT JOIN clause) will be filtered out if they don’t meet your join condition(s) in the ON clause.

The execution order of the query may combine your join conditions and WHERE clauses in ways that you might not expect.

Further reading

How to fill in data for missing report dates

If your source tables or nested queries only store rows for dates where something has happened, you’ll get results with missing report dates.

For example, the Orders table in the Sample Database only stores rows for dates where orders were created. It doesn’t store any rows for dates where there was no order activity.

-- The query below calculates the total sales
-- for each day that had at least one order.

-- For example, note that there is no row
-- in the query results for May 5, 2016.

    DATE_TRUNC('day', o.created_at)::date AS "order_created_date",
    SUM(p.price) AS "total_sales"
    orders o
    JOIN products p ON o.product_id =
    o.created_at BETWEEN'2016-05-01'::date
    AND '2016-05-30'::date
    "order_created_date" ASC;

If you want a result like the table below, you’ll need to start your JOIN with a table or column that has all the dates (or any other sequence) you want. Ask your database admin if there’s a table you can use for this.

| report_date        | total_sales |
| May 4, 2016        | 98.78       |
| May 5, 2016        | 0.00        |
| May 6, 2016        | 87.29       |
| May 7, 2016        | 0.00        |
| May 8, 2016        | 81.61       |

If your SQL dialect supports the GENERATE_SERIES function, you can create a temporary column that stores your report dates.

-- The query below calculates the total sales
-- for every day in the report period,
-- including days with 0 orders.

-- The date_series CTE generates one row
-- per date that you want in your final result.

WITH date_series AS (
        GENERATE_SERIES('2016-05-01'::date, '2020-05-30'::date, '1 day'::interval) report_date

-- The fact_orders CTE generates the total sales
-- for each date that had an order.

, fact_orders AS (
        DATE_TRUNC('day', o.created_at)::date AS "order_created_date",
        SUM(p.price) AS "total_sales"
        orders o
        JOIN products p ON o.product_id =
        "order_created_date" ASC

-- The main query joins the two CTEs together
-- and uses the COALESCE function to fill in the dates
-- where there were no orders (i.e. a total sales value of 0).

    COALESCE(o.total_sales, 0) AS total_sales
    date_series d
    LEFT JOIN fact_orders o ON = o.order_created_date

Missing columns

  1. If you’re joining data, check if your SELECT statement contains the columns you want.
    • Are you using the correct table aliases?
    • Are you missing the table in your FROM clause?
  2. Check if your source tables or query results have missing columns by following step 1 under Debugging SQL logic.
  3. Learn more about common reasons for unexpected query results.

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