How Tri-8 Can Help

Tri-8’s friendly team of data gurus speak plainly and listen well. They help you pull together all the data sources you need, letting you focus on your business. Tri-8 can set up Metabase, connect your data, build powerful dashboards, and work through all your questions. If you want your own staff to build from there, Tri-8 can train them, and serve as your staff’s go-to resource, always available to answer questions or fill a gap when people are spread thin.

  • Turnkey Metabase Service. Installation, configuration, management.
  • Full-Service Analytics. Dashboards, reports, powerful visualizations, the ANSWERS you need from your data.
  • Training. Your staff empowered.
  • Integration. Connecting all your systems together.
  • Customization. Form-fitting software to your needs.
  • Automation. Reduce wasteful payroll expense & errors by eliminating manual busywork.
  • Analysis. Helping you understand what the data means or where things aren’t lining up.

About Tri-8

Most business leaders struggle to get fast answers because their data is spread out & held hostage in rigid software and one-off spreadsheets. Tri-8 helps them pull everything into one place with Metabase, unlocking the power of their data without having to learn the ins and outs of the data stack.

Clients' reviews

Corey Church, VP of Technology, Taurus Technologies

Tri-8 has been the partner we need. Our data is complex and we wanted to leverage it for far better insights. We needed our team to have better access, make much more informed decisions, and gain efficiencies. All this while lowering custom development costs! Tri-8’s data gurus have gotten Metabase integrated, managed, and powerfully leveraged for us. They are an extension of our own team.

Clinton Sander, Marketing Manager, A1 Organics

Tri-8 is helping us break through barriers in our industry and gain powerful insights from our data. We can instantly slice and dice the numbers where it used to take days (or worse). We don’t have to wait for people to manually run reports or wade through spreadsheets. Tri-8’s team is friendly and speaks plain language instead of tech jargon! They’ve handled everything: all the setup and management, connecting our key data, the works.