The metrics store that the financial modeling package creates

We'll walk through the models that the financial modeling package creates when setting up a metrics store in your Metabase.

The metrics store that the financial modeling package creates

This section gives some context around the models and questions that the dap create command creates, so even if the package doesn’t work for you, you’ll still have examples that you can iterate on.

The dap command assumes that you’re using data from Stripe.

Overview of the models

The package creates some foundational models based on the raw data imported into a PostgreSQL data warehouse. The package then builds on those foundational models to aggregate that data for:

  • Annual recurring revenue (ARR)
  • Trialers
  • Customers

Once the package has those models, it creates two questions that bundle up these metrics: one question to export the latest metrics, and another to export quarterly metrics.

From there, you can import that data into the Financial modeling template and start playing around with it.

Foundational models

First, the package takes the raw data ingested from Stripe, cleans it up, and saves the results as models: the Stripe price model, and the Stripe customer model. These models just clean up and coalesce the values from the data that Fivetran imports from Stripe.

The package builds on these models, and pulls in more raw Stripe data to round out the set of foundational models.

  • Stripe subscription item model. This model builds on the Stripe price model, and brings in raw data from the Stripe tier and subscription_item tables.
  • Stripe subscription model. This model builds on the Stripe subscription item model and Stripe customer model we built above. It also incorporates data from the Stripe subscription raw table.
  • Strip invoice model. This model brings together data from the Stripe invoice table, and the customer and subscription models.

Calculating revenue

On top of our Stripe invoice and Stripe subscription models, the package can calculate revenue. This Revenue model includes the following columns:


See the SQL for the Revenue model.

Aggregating monthly and quarterly metrics

With the above models defined, the package can then aggregate key monthly metrics:

Then, based on those monthly metrics, the package calculates the quarterly totals:

Creating public questions to import into your financial model template

With all of our models in place, the package then creates two questions in Metabase and makes them available via public links. By making the links public, the Financial model template (the Google Sheet) will be able to visit the public link and import the data as a CSV file.

These questions union a bunch of the metrics we’re interested in, which we can then pivot in the Financial model template:


The metrics include:

Annual Contract Value
ARR Quarterly Expansion Rate
ARR % Quarterly growth
ARR % YoY growth
Avg Monthly Customer Churn Rate
Beginning ARR
Beginning customers
Churn ARR
Churn customers
Contraction ARR
Customers % Quarterly growth
Customers % YoY growth
Ending ARR
Ending customers
Expansion ARR
New customers
Trialer % Quarterly growth
Trial Quarterly Conversion Rate

While these links are “public”, the URLs Metabase are virtually unguessable. But keep in mind that anyone with the link could view the data available at that URL.

Thanks for your feedback!

Next – Financial modeling template tour

A guide to the spreadsheet template paired with the package.

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