Embedded analytics SDK - dashboards

Embedded analytics SDK is only available on Pro and Enterprise plans (both self-hosted and on Metabase Cloud). You can, however, play around with the SDK on your local machine without a license by using API keys to authenticate your embeds.

You can embed an interactive, editable, or static dashboard.

Please keep in mind - embedding multiple instances of dashboards on the same page is not yet supported.

Embedding a dashboard

You can embed a dashboard using the one of the dashboard components:

  • InteractiveDashboard
  • StaticDashboard
  • EditableDashboard

Dashboard component props

Prop Type Description
dashboardId number \| string The ID of the dashboard. This is either:
- the numerical ID when accessing a dashboard link, i.e. http://localhost:3000/dashboard/1-my-dashboard where the ID is 1
- the string ID found in the entity_id key of the dashboard object when using the API directly or using the SDK Collection Browser to return data
initialParameters** Record<string, string \| string[]> Query parameters for the dashboard. For a single option, use a string value, and use a list of strings for multiple options.
withTitle boolean Whether the dashboard should display a title.
withCardTitle boolean Whether the dashboard cards should display a title.
withDownloads boolean \| null Whether to hide the download button.
hiddenParameters** string[] \| null A list of parameters to hide.
drillThroughQuestionHeight* number \| null Height of a question component when drilled from the dashboard to a question level.
questionPlugins* { mapQuestionClickActions: Function } \| null Additional mapper function to override or add drill-down menu. See the implementing custom actions section for more details.
onLoad (dashboard: Dashboard \| null) => void Event handler that triggers after dashboard loads with all visible cards and their content.
onLoadWithoutCards (dashboard: Dashboard \| null) => void Event handler that triggers after dashboard loads, but without its cards - at this stage dashboard title, tabs and cards grid is rendered, but cards content is not yet loaded.
renderDrillThroughQuestion* () => ReactNode A react component that renders a question’s layout shown after drilling through a question or clicking on a question card in the dashboard.

* Not available for StaticDashboard.

** Combining initialParameters and hiddenParameters to filter data on the frontend is a security risk. Combining initialParameters and hiddenParameters to declutter the user interface is fine.

By default, dashboard components take full page height (100vh). You can override this with custom styles passed via style or className props.

    height: 800,
    minHeight: "auto",
{% raw %}

Example embedded dashboard with InteractiveDashboard component

import React from "react";
import {MetabaseProvider, InteractiveDashboard, defineMetabaseAuthConfig} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";

const authConfig = defineMetabaseAuthConfig({...});

export default function App() {
    const dashboardId = 1; // This is the dashboard ID you want to embed
    const initialParameters = {}; // Define your query parameters here

    // choose parameter names that are in your dashboard
    const hiddenParameters = ["location", "city"]

    return (
        <MetabaseProvider authConfig={authConfig}>

Customizing drill-through question layout

When drilling through or clicking on a question card in the dashboard, you will be taken to the question view. By default, the question is shown in the default layout for interactive questions.

To customize the question layout, pass a renderDrillThroughQuestion prop to the InteractiveDashboard component, with the custom view as the child component.


// You can use namespaced components to build the question's layout.
const QuestionView = () => <InteractiveQuestion.Title />;

The questionView prop accepts a React component that will be rendered in the question view, which you can build with namespaced components within the InteractiveQuestion component. See customizing interactive questions for an example layout.

Dashboard plugins


This plugin allows you to add, remove, and modify the custom actions on the overflow menu of dashboard cards. The plugin appears as a dropdown menu on the top right corner of the card.

The plugin’s default configuration looks like this:

const plugins = {
  dashboard: {
    dashboardCardMenu: {
      withDownloads: true,
      withEditLink: true,
      customItems: [],

dashboardCardMenu: can be used in the InteractiveDashboard like this:

{% raw %}
    dashboard: {
      dashboardCardMenu: null,

Enabling/disabling default actions

To remove the download button from the dashcard menu, set withDownloads to false. To remove the edit link from the dashcard menu, set withEditLink to false.

const plugins = {
  dashboard: {
    dashboardCardMenu: {
      withDownloads: false,
      withEditLink: false,
      customItems: [],

Adding custom actions to the existing menu:

You can add custom actions to the dashcard menu by adding an object to the customItems array. Each element can either be an object or a function that takes in the dashcard’s question, and outputs a list of custom items in the form of:

    iconName: string;
    label: string;
    onClick: () => void;
    disabled?: boolean;

Here’s an example:

const plugins: MetabasePluginsConfig = {
  dashboard: {
    dashboardCardMenu: {
      customItems: [
          iconName: "chevronright",
          label: "Custom action",
          onClick: () => {
            alert(`Custom action clicked`);
        ({ question }) => {
          return {
            iconName: "chevronright",
            label: "Custom action",
            onClick: () => {
              alert(`Custom action clicked ${question.name}`);

Replacing the existing menu with your own component

If you want to replace the existing menu with your own component, you can do so by providing a function that returns a React component. This function also can receive the question as an argument.

const plugins: MetabasePluginsConfig = {
  dashboard: {
    dashboardCardMenu: () => (
      <button onClick={() => console.log(question.name)}>Click me</button>

Creating dashboards

Creating a dashboard could be done with useCreateDashboardApi hook or CreateDashboardModal component.


const { createDashboard } = useCreateDashboardApi();

const handleDashboardCreate = async () => {
  const dashboard = await createDashboard(props);

  // do something with created empty dashboard, e.g., use the dashboard in EditableDashboard component

return <Button onClick={handleDashboardCreate}>Create new dashboard</Button>;


Prop Type Description
name string (required) Dashboard title
description string \| null Optional dashboard description
collectionId number \| 'root' \| 'personal' Collection in which to create a new dashboard. You can use predefined system values like root or personal.


const [dashboard, setDashboard] = useState<Dashboard | null>(null);

if (dashboard) {
  return <EditableDashboard dashboardId={dashboard.id} />;

return <CreateDashboardModal onClose={handleClose} onCreate={setDashboard} />;

Supported component props:

Prop Type Description
collectionId? number \| 'root' \| 'personal' Initial collection in which to create a dashboard. You can use predefined system values like root or personal.
onCreate (dashboard: Dashboard) => void Handler to react on dashboard creation.
onClose () => void Handler to close modal component

Read docs for other versions of Metabase.