Embedded analytics SDK - questions
Embedded analytics SDK is only available on Pro and Enterprise plans (both self-hosted and on Metabase Cloud). You can, however, play around with the SDK on your local machine without a license by using API keys to authenticate your embeds.
There are different ways you can embed questions:
- Static question. Embeds a chart. Clicking on the chart doesn’t do anything.
- Interactive question. Clicking on the chart gives you the drill-through menu.
- Query builder. Embeds the graphical query builder without a pre-defined query.
Embedding a static question
You can embed a static question using the StaticQuestion
The component has a default height, which can be customized by using the height
prop. To inherit the height from the parent container, you can pass 100%
to the height prop.
import React from "react";
import {MetabaseProvider, StaticQuestion, defineMetabaseAuthConfig} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";
const authConfig = defineMetabaseAuthConfig({...});
export default function App() {
const questionId = 1; // This is the question ID you want to embed
return (
<MetabaseProvider authConfig={authConfig}>
<StaticQuestion questionId={questionId} withChartTypeSelector={false}/>
Embedding an interactive question
You can embed an interactive question using the InteractiveQuestion
import React from "react";
import {MetabaseProvider, InteractiveQuestion, defineMetabaseAuthConfig} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";
const authConfig = defineMetabaseAuthConfig({...});
export default function App() {
const questionId = 1; // This is the question ID you want to embed
return (
<MetabaseProvider authConfig={authConfig}>
<InteractiveQuestion questionId={questionId}/>
Question props
Prop | Type | Description |
entityTypeFilter |
string array; options include “table”, “question”, “model”, “metric” | (optional) An array that specifies which entity types are available in the data picker |
height |
number or string | (optional) A number or string specifying a CSS size value that specifies the height of the component |
initialSqlParameters |
Record<string, string \| string[]> |
(optional) For SQL questions only. A mapping of SQL parameter names to parameter values, such as { product_id: "42"} |
isSaveEnabled |
boolean | (optional, default: true ) Whether users can save the question |
onBeforeSave |
() => void |
(optional) A callback function that triggers before saving. Only relevant when isSaveEnabled = true |
onSave |
() => void |
(optional) A callback function that triggers when a user saves the question. Only relevant when isSaveEnabled = true |
plugins |
{ mapQuestionClickActions: Function } or null |
Additional mapper function to override or add drill-down menu |
questionId |
number or string | (required) The ID of the question. This is either: - The numerical ID when accessing a question link, e.g., http://localhost:3000/question/1-my-question where the ID is 1 - The entity_id key of the question object. You can find a question’s Entity ID in the info panel when viewing a question- new to show the notebook editor for creating new questions. isSaveEnabled must be true to allow saving the question |
saveToCollection |
number | “root” | “personal” | Deprecated: use targetCollection instead |
targetCollection |
number | “root” | “personal” | (optional) The collection to save the question to. This will hide the collection picker from the save modal. Only applicable to interactive questions |
title |
boolean | string | ReactNode | () => ReactNode |
(optional) Determines whether the question title is displayed, and allows a custom title to be displayed instead of the default question title. Shown by default. Only applicable to interactive questions when using the default layout |
withChartTypeSelector |
boolean | (optional, default: true ) Determines whether the chart type selector and corresponding settings button are shown. Only relevant when using the default layout |
withResetButton |
boolean | (optional, default: true ) Determines whether a reset button is displayed. Only relevant when using the default layout |
Pass SQL parameters to SQL questions with initialSqlParameters
You can pass parameter values to questions defined with SQL via the initialSqlParameters
prop, in the format of {parameter_name: parameter_value}
. Learn more about SQL parameters.
<StaticQuestion questionId={questionId} initialSqlParameters={{ product_id: 50 }} />
can’t be used with questions built using the query builder.
Customizing interactive questions
By default, the Embedded analytics SDK provides a default layout for interactive questions that allows you to view your questions, apply filters and aggregations, and access functionality within the query builder.
Here’s an example of using the InteractiveQuestion
component with its default layout:
<InteractiveQuestion questionId={95} />
To customize the layout, use namespaced components within the InteractiveQuestion
component. For example:
<div className="App" style={{ width: "100%", maxWidth: "1600px", height: "800px", margin: "0 auto" }}>
<MetabaseProvider authConfig={config} theme={theme}>
<InteractiveQuestion questionId={questionId}>
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
width: "100%",
<div style={{ display: "grid", placeItems: "center", width: "100%" }}>
<InteractiveQuestion.Title />
<InteractiveQuestion.ResetButton />
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "flex-start",
overflow: "hidden",
width: "100%",
<div style={{ width: "100%" }}>
<InteractiveQuestion.QuestionVisualization />
<div style={{ display: "flex", flex: 1, overflow: "scroll" }}>
<InteractiveQuestion.Summarize />
<div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", width: "100%" }}>
<InteractiveQuestion.Filter />
Interactive question components
These components are available via the InteractiveQuestion
namespace (e.g., <InteractiveQuestion.Filter />
* signifies a required prop
A navigation button that returns to the previous view. Only renders when onNavigateBack
prop from InteractiveQuestion
is available.
Uses Mantine ActionIcon props under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
A set of badges for managing data groupings (breakouts).
No props. Uses question context for breakout functionality.
Dropdown button for the Breakout component.
Uses Popover props except onClose
, children
, and opened
under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
Dropdown for selecting the visualization type (bar chart, line chart, table, etc.). Automatically updates to show recommended visualization types for the current data.
Uses Mantine Menu props under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
Detailed chart type selection interface with recommended visualization options.
Uses Mantine Stack props under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
Advanced query editor that provides full access to question configuration. Includes filtering, aggregation, custom expressions, and joins.
Replaces deprecated InteractiveQuestion.Notebook
Prop | Type | Description |
onApply | () => void | Callback function executed when changes are applied |
Replaces deprecated InteractiveQuestion.NotebookButton
Toggle button for showing/hiding the Editor interface. In custom layouts, the EditorButton
must have an onClick
handler or the button won’t do anything when clicked.
Uses Mantine ActionIcon props under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
isOpen | boolean | Whether the editor is currently open |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
A set of interactive filter badges that allow adding, editing, and removing filters. Displays current filters as badges with an “Add another filter” option.
Prop | Type | Description |
withColumnItemIcon | boolean | Whether to show column icons in the filter interface |
A dropdown button for the Filter component.
Prop | Type | Description |
withColumnItemIcon | boolean | Whether to show column icons in the filter interface |
Settings panel for configuring visualization options like axes, colors, and formatting.
No props. Uses question context for settings.
Dropdown button that contains the QuestionSettings component.
Uses Popover props except onClose
and opened
under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
height | React.CSSProperties[“height”] | Height for the dropdown menu |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
The main visualization component that renders the question results as a chart, table, or other visualization type.
Prop | Type | Description |
height | number | string | Height for visualization |
width | number | string | Width for visualization |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
Button to reset question modifications. Only appears when there are unsaved changes to the question.
Uses Mantine Button props under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
Button for saving question changes. Only enabled when there are unsaved modifications to the question.
Note: Currently, in custom layouts, the SaveButton
must have an onClick
handler or the button will not do anything when clicked.
Uses Mantine Button props under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
Form for saving a question, including title and description. When saved:
- For new questions: Calls
prop from InteractiveQuestion - For existing questions: Calls
prop from InteractiveQuestion - Both callbacks receive the updated question object
- Form can be cancelled via the
Prop | Type | Description |
onCancel | () => void | Callback function executed when save is cancelled |
Interface for adding and managing data summaries (like counts, sums, averages). Displays as a set of badges.
No props. Uses question context for summarization functionality.
Dropdown button for the Summarize component.
Uses Popover props except onClose
, children
, and opened
under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
Provides a UI widget for downloading data in different formats (CSV
, and PNG
depending on the visualization).
No props
Provides a button that contains a dropdown that shows the DownloadWidget
Uses Popover props under the hood, as well as:
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | React.CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
Displays a title based on the question’s state. Shows:
- The question’s display name if it’s saved
- An auto-generated description for ad-hoc questions (non-native queries)
- “New question” as fallback or for new/native queries
Prop | Type | Description |
className | string | Custom CSS class name for styling the component |
style | CSSProperties | Inline styles to apply to the component |
Interactive question plugins
You can use plugins to add custom functionality to your questions.
This plugin allows you to add custom actions to the click-through menu of an interactive question. You can add and customize the appearance and behavior of the custom actions.
// You can provide a custom action with your own `onClick` logic.
const createCustomAction = clicked => ({
buttonType: "horizontal",
name: "client-custom-action",
section: "custom",
type: "custom",
icon: "chevronright",
title: "Hello from the click app!!!",
onClick: ({ closePopover }) => {
alert(`Clicked ${clicked.column?.name}: ${clicked.value}`);
// Or customize the appearance of the custom action to suit your need.
const createCustomActionWithView = clicked => ({
name: "client-custom-action-2",
section: "custom",
type: "custom",
view: ({ closePopover }) => (
className="tw-text-base tw-text-yellow-900 tw-bg-slate-400 tw-rounded-lg"
onClick={() => {
alert(`Clicked ${clicked.column?.name}: ${clicked.value}`);
Custom element
const plugins = {
* You will have access to default `clickActions` that Metabase renders by default.
* So you could decide if you want to add custom actions, remove certain actions, etc.
mapQuestionClickActions: (clickActions, clicked) => {
return [
const questionId = 1; // This is the question ID you want to embed
return (
<MetabaseProvider authConfig={authConfig} pluginsConfig={plugins}>
<InteractiveQuestion questionId={questionId} />
Prevent people from saving changes to an InteractiveQuestion
To prevent people from saving changes to an interactive question, or from saving changes as a new question, you can set isSaveEnabled={false}
import React from "react";
import {MetabaseProvider, InteractiveQuestion} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";
const authConfig = defineMetabaseAuthConfig({...});
export default function App() {
return (
<MetabaseProvider authConfig={authConfig}>
<InteractiveQuestion questionId={1} isSaveEnabled={false} />
Embedding the query builder for creating new questions
You can embed the query builder for creating new questions by passing the questionId="new"
prop to the InteractiveQuestion
component. You can use the children
prop to customize the layout for creating new questions.
import React from "react";
import {MetabaseProvider, InteractiveQuestion} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";
const authConfig = defineMetabaseAuthConfig({...});
export default function App() {
return (
<MetabaseProvider authConfig={authConfig}>
<InteractiveQuestion questionId="new" />
To customize the question editor’s layout, use the InteractiveQuestion
component directly with a custom children
Read docs for other versions of Metabase.