Embedded analytics SDK - collections

Embedded analytics SDK is only available on Pro and Enterprise plans (both self-hosted and on Metabase Cloud). You can, however, play around with the SDK on your local machine without a license by using API keys to authenticate your embeds.

You can embed Metabase’s collection browser so that people can explore items in your Metabase from your application.

CollectionBrowser props

Prop Type Description
collectionId number \| 'root' \| 'personal' The numerical ID of the collection, “personal” for the user’s personal collection, or “root” for the root collection. You can find this ID in the URL when accessing a collection in your Metabase instance. For example, the collection ID in http://localhost:3000/collection/1-my-collection would be 1. Defaults to “personal”
onClick (item: CollectionItem) => void An optional click handler that emits the clicked entity.
pageSize number The number of items to display per page. The default is 25.
visibleEntityTypes ["question", "model", "dashboard", "collection"] The types of entities that should be visible. If not provided, all entities will be shown.

Example embedding code with CollectionBrowser

import React from "react";
import { CollectionBrowser } from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";

export default function App() {
  const collectionId = 123; // This is the collection ID you want to browse
  const handleItemClick = item => {
    console.log("Clicked item:", item);

  // Define the collection item types you want to be visible
  const visibleEntityTypes = ["dashboard", "question", "collection"];

  return (

Hide the collection picker and hard code the collection you want people to save stuff to

With static questions, you set a specific collection as the collection people can save items to, so that they don’t have bother picking a collection. To hard-code a collection:

  1. Set isSaveEnabled to true.
  2. Set targetCollection (previously saveToCollection) to the collection ID you want people to save items to.

For more options, see Question props.

Read docs for other versions of Metabase.