Basic sandboxes: setting row-level permissions

Learn how to set row-level permissions based on people's user attributes.

Metabase’s Pro and Enterprise include data sandboxes, a feature that gives you granular control over the rows and columns that people can see and use in questions.

“Sandboxing” often refer to an isolated environment that’s used to protect or isolate part of a system. Metabase uses the term sandboxing in a similar way, except in this case the isolated environment refers to a “data environment.” When an admin grants a group sandboxed access to a table, they can only see the rows and columns included in that sandbox.

In this article, we’ll walk through an example of setting up a basic sandbox using the Sample Database included with Metabase. Basic sandboxes restrict access to rows; for column-level permissions, see Custom data sandboxes.

Before you sandbox

You should back up your Metabase application data. In addition, you may want to check out our guide to data permissions, guide to collection permissions, and our permissions overview to get a better sense of how sandboxing fits in with Metabase’s permissions system.

Our scenario

Our goal is to make sure a customer, Ms. Brown, is only able to see table rows related to her account.

Creating a customer group

Metabase uses groups to organize permissions, so we’ll first need to create a group, which we’ll call Customers. To do this, click on the gears icon in the navigation sidebar and select > Admin settings > People > Groups. Then choose Create a Group.

The Groups page after creating our Customers group.

Creating an account and adding an attribute

Before we can set sandboxed permissions to the Customers group, we need to create an account for Ms. Brown, and add an attribute to her account. From Admin settings > People tab, we’ll click Invite Someone, fill out the names and email fields, and add her to the Customers group.

And here’s the important part for sandboxing: we’ll add an attribute to our new person, Ms. Brown, with a key of user_id and a value of 20.

Adding Ms. Brown to the Customers group, and giving her an attribute: user_id: 20.

There’s nothing magical about the user_id key: it’s just a variable. We can add attributes with whatever key-value pairs we choose. What we want is to use a key that corresponds to a column, and a value that corresponds to row values, for the relevant table that we want to sandbox. The idea is that we’ll link this attribute to a column in a table to determine which rows Ms. Brown can view.

We’re setting this attribute up manually for the sake of this walkthrough, but we can use single sign-on services (SSO), like SAML to programmatically assign and synchronize attributes to users.

Granting a group sandboxed access

Now that we have our group, and at least one member of that group with an attribute (Ms. Brown), we’re ready to head over to the data permissions page to grant the Customers group sandboxed access to tables in the Sample Database.

In the lefthand sidebar, we’ll click Databases and Sample Database. To grant the Customers group sandboxed View data access to the Orders table, all we need to do is click on the Orders table, navigate to the Customers row and in View data column, select Sandboxed from the dropdown menu.

Granting sandboxed access to the Customer group for the Orders table.

The sandboxing modal will ask “How do you want to filter this table for users in this group?” and present two options:

  • Filter by a column in the table.
  • Use a saved question to create a custom view for this table.

For now, we’ll leave the setting as Filter by a column in the table—using a saved question is a more advanced feature, and we discuss it here.

The sandboxing modal.

For the column, we’ll select the User ID column of the Orders table, and we’ll connect that to the user_id attribute from the dropdown menu of attributes we’ve assigned to people.

Metabase will provide us with a summary of the changes we’ve made: “Users in Customers can view rows in the Orders table where User ID field equals user_id.” Let’s save our changes and repeat the process for the People table.

  • Grant sandboxed access to the Customers group for the People table.
  • Select the Filter by a column option.
  • Select the ID column of the People table and connect that to the user_id attribute.
  • Review the summary and click save.

Finally, we’ll need to click the Save Changes button to confirm our changes.

Check settings as Ms. Brown sees the world

Now let’s test out our settings to confirm that our customer, Ms. Brown, can only see orders connected to her user ID. We’ll open our Metabase instance in an incognito browser window and log in as Ms. Brown. When we navigate to the Orders table, Ms. Brown will only see the orders she placed (User ID 20).

Ms. Brown will only see orders associated with her ID: 20.

By sandboxing the table, we can create a single question or dashboard, and rest assured that people with sandboxed access to that data will only be able to see the data associated with their account.

If we combine sandboxing with interactive embedding, we can embed these dashboards in our application, and use SSO to pass attributes to the embedded Metabase instance, allowing us to provide sandboxed access to the questions and dashboards embedded in our application. To learn more, see How to embed Metabase in your app to deliver multi-tenant, self-service analytics.

Sandboxing limitations

  • Sandboxing only works with SQL databases.
  • A user can only have one sandbox per table, so only add users to a single group with sandboxed access to a table.
  • If a group has SQL querying access to a database, sandboxing cannot prevent people in that group from viewing data in those tables.
  • By extension, if people in that group have access to questions written in SQL, those questions are unaware of the sandboxing access, and will show people in that group all results, not just the results in that group’s sandbox.

Learn more about the limitations of data sandboxing.

Further reading

Next: Custom sandboxes: limiting access to columns

Learn how to use a saved SQL query to display specific rows and columns to different people.

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