Visualizing data

Charts, maps, gauges, funnels, tables, numbers, and more.

Which chart should you use?

Which type of charts and graphs should you use to best communicate insights from data? This guide will help you pick the right visualization for the job.

9 min read

Guide to line charts

What we talk about when we talk about line charts: time series, trend lines, alerts, and more.

5 min read

Master the bar chart visualization

Create a bar chart and customize it with visualization settings.

2 min read

Visualize your data as a histogram

Learn when to use a histogram, and how Metabase makes it easy to create histograms.

2 min read

Visualizing data with maps

How to use pin maps, region maps, and grid maps to visualize data in Metabase.

7 min read

Almost everything you can do with the table visualization

Learn how to set up conditional formatting, mini bar charts, value formatting, and more.

5 min read

Creating pivot tables

Learn how to create pivot tables using different databases in Metabase.

4 min read

Funnel charts

Use funnel charts to show progression through steps.

7 min read