Guidance on running and administering Metabase at scale.
Administration and operation
Guidance on running and administering Metabase at scale.
Admin overview
An overview and list of resources for Metabase admins.
4 min read
How to run Metabase in production
If you're self-hosting Metabase, here are some benchmarks and best practices.
10 min read
Managing people in Metabase
How to go from managing dozens of users to thousands.
6 min read
Guide to sharing data
Inside or outside your organization, what are your options for sharing your data or analysis, and when should you use one method over another?
6 min read
Keeping your analytics organized
How to keep your analytics organized as the numbers of users, questions, and dashboards inevitably increases.
8 min read
Multiple environments
Options for spinning up dev, staging, or test environments.
3 min read
Serialization: preloading dashboards in a new Metabase instance
How to use Metabase's serialization feature to copy questions, dashboards, collections, settings, and more from one Metabase instance to a new Metabase instance.
13 min read
Setting up a git-based workflow
Create models, questions, and dashboards in a staging Metabase, commit your changes to a repository, and push those changes to your production Metabase.
8 min read
Making dashboards faster
How to make your dashboards load faster.
9 min read
Metabase at scale
Best practices for scaling Metabase to support more people and databases.
11 min read
Working with the Metabase API
An introduction to Metabase's API.
15 min read
Permissions, groups, data sandboxing, and auditing.
Permissions strategies
How to think about structuring groups and permissions in Metabase.
5 min read
Guide to data permissions
Learn about how Metabase handles data permissions by setting up permissions on the Sample Database included with Metabase.
6 min read
Working with collection permissions
Set up collections with permissions to help people organize and share the work that's relevant to them.
5 min read
Basic sandboxes: setting row-level permissions
Learn how to set row-level permissions based on people's user attributes.
4 min read
Custom sandboxes: limiting access to columns
Learn how to use a saved SQL query to display specific rows and columns to different people.
5 min read
Data sandboxes: personalizing the data that people can see in Metabase
Pair sandboxes with user attributes to customize data for almost any situation.
3 min read
Use Impersonation to get row-level permissions with both GUI and SQL queries
Create roles in your database, and have Metabase impersonate those roles when querying your database.
3 min read
Configuring multi-tenant data permissions
Learn how to restrict customer access to rows, columns, or schemas for secure self-serve analytics.
7 min read
How to keep tabs on your data
Set up alerts on usage analytics to get notified about when people change settings, download data, or make data public.
3 min read
Using LDAP for authentication and access control
Learn about using LDAP to authenticate people and manage their access to data.
3 min read