These are the docs for the Metabase master branch. Some features documented here may not yet be available in the latest release. Check out the docs for the latest version, Metabase v0.53.
Configuration overview
Setting up Metabase
A walkthrough of when you first boot up your Metabase.
General settings
Site name, report timezone, and more settings.
Set up email for Alerts and Dashboard subscriptions.
Set up Slack for Alerts and Dashboard subscriptions.
Set up webhooks as notification channels for alerts.
Environment variables
Configure Metabase on launch via environment variables.
Configuration file
On self-hosted Pro and Enterprise plans, you can configure Metabase via a configuration file.
Metabase logs configuration
Tell Metabase what to log.
Guidance on timezone settings.
Languages and localization
Set language, datetime, and currency settings.
Allow people to upload data to collections.
Customize colors, fonts, and other visual elements.
Caching query results
Cache query results for faster loading times.
Custom maps
Upload custom maps to your Metabase.
Customizing the Metabase Jetty webserver
Set SSL and port settings for the Jetty webserver.
Read docs for other versions of Metabase.