These are the docs for the Metabase master branch. Some features documented here may not yet be available in the latest release. Check out the docs for the latest version, Metabase v0.50.

To add a database connection, click on the gear icon in the top right, and navigate to Admin settings > Databases > Add a database. Then select Databricks.

You can edit these settings at any time. Just remember to save your changes.

Display name

The display name for the database in the Metabase interface.


Your database’s IP address, or its domain name (e.g., This is the value of your Databrick’s compute resource’s Server Hostname.

See Compute settings for the Databricks JDBC Driver.

HTTP path

This is the Databrick’s compute resources HTTP Path value.

See Compute settings for the Databricks JDBC Driver.

Personal access token

See Personal Access Token (PAT).


For now, you can only select one catalog. Metabase doesn’t support multi-catalog connections.


You can specify which schemas you want to sync and scan. Options are:

  • All
  • Only these…
  • All except…

For the Only these and All except options, you can input a comma-separated list of values to tell Metabase which schemas you want to include (or exclude). For example:


You can use the * wildcard to match multiple schemas.

Let’s say you have three schemas: foo, bar, and baz.

  • If you have Only these… set, and enter the string b*, you’ll sync with bar and baz.
  • If you have All except… set, and enter the string b*, you’ll just sync foo.

Note that only the * wildcard is supported; you can’t use other special characters or regexes.

Additional JDBC connection string options

You can append options to the connection string that Metabase uses to connect to your database. E.g., IgnoreTransactions=0.

See Compute settings for the Databricks JDBC Driver.

Read docs for other versions of Metabase.

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