These are the docs for the Metabase master branch. Some features documented here may not yet be available in the latest release. Check out the docs for the latest version, Metabase v0.53.
End-to-end tests with Cypress
Metabase uses Cypress for “end-to-end testing”, that is, tests that are executed against the application as a whole, including the frontend, backend, and application database. These tests are essentially scripts written in JavaScript that run in the web browser: visit different URLs, click various UI elements, type text, and assert that things happen as expected (for example, an element appearing on screen, or a network request occuring).
Getting Started
Metabase’s Cypress tests are located in the e2e/test/scenarios
source tree, in a structure that roughly mirrors Metabase’s URL structure. For example, tests for the admin “datamodel” pages are located in e2e/test/scenarios/admin/datamodel
Our custom Cypress runner builds its own backend and creates a temporary H2 app db. Both are destroyed when this process is killed. The reserved default port is 4000
on the local host. There is nothing stopping you from running your local Metabase instance on localhost:3000
at the same time. This might even be helpful for debugging purposes.
Standard Development Flow
Continuously build the frontend
a. If you need only the frontend, run
yarn build-hot
b. If you want to run a local Metabase instance alongside Cypress, the easiest way to achieve this is by using
yarn dev
oryarn dev-ee
(both rely on frontend hot reloading under the hood) -
In a separate terminal session (without killing the previous one) run
yarn test-cypress
. This will open a Cypress GUI that will let you choose which tests to run. Alternatively, take a look atrun_cypress_local.js
for all possible options.
Running Options
To run all Cypress tests headlessly in the terminal:
OPEN_UI=false yarn run test-cypress
You can quickly test a single file only by using the official --spec
This flag can be used to run all specs within a folder, or to run multiple assorted specs. Consult the official documentation for instructions.
OPEN_UI=false yarn test-cypress --spec e2e/test/scenarios/question/
You can specify a browser to execute Cypress tests in using the --browser
flag. For more details, please consult the official documentation.
Specifying a browser makes most sense when running Cypress in a run mode. On the other hand, Cypress open mode (GUI) allows one to easily switch between all available browsers on the system. However, some people prefer to specify a browser even in this scenario. If you do this, keep in mind that you are merely preselecting an initial browser for Cypress but you still have the option to choose a different one.
Anatomy of the Test
Cypress test files are structured like Mocha tests, where describe
blocks are used to group related tests, and it
blocks are the tests themselves.
describe("homepage", () => {
it("should load the homepage and...", () => {
// ...
We strongly prefer using selectors like cy.findByText()
and cy.findByLabelText()
from @testing-library/cypress
since they encourage writing tests that don’t depend on implementation details like CSS class names.
Try to avoid repeatedly testing pieces of the application incidentally. For example, if you want to test something about the query builder, jump straight there using a helper like openOrdersTable()
rather than starting from the home page, clicking “New”, then “Question”, etc.
Cypress Documentation
- Introduction:
- Commands:
- Assertions:
vs find
vs get
Cypress has a set of similar commands for selecting elements. Here are some tips for using them:
is (by default) case-sensitive to the text in the DOM. If it’s not matching text you’d expect, check that CSS hasn’t updated the case. You can explicitly tell it to ignore the case with the following option{ matchCase: false }
matches substrings. Given two strings “filter by” and “Add a filter”,cy.contains(“filter”);
will match both. To avoid these issues, you can either pass a regexp that pins the start/end of the string or scope a string to a specific selector:cy.contains(selector, content);
will let you search within your previous selection.get
will search the entire page even if chained, unless you explicitly tweak thewithinSubject
How to access Sample Database tables and field IDs?
The Sample Database that we use in E2E tests can change at any time, and with it the references to its tables and fields. Never ever use hard coded numeric references to those IDs. We provide a helpful mechanism to achieve this that is guaranteed to produce correct results. Every time you spin Cypress up, it fetches the information about the Sample Database, extracts table and field IDs and writes that to the e2e/support/cypress_sample_database
JSON that we then re-export and make available to all tests.
// Don't
const query = {
"source-table": 1,
aggregation: [["count"]],
breakout: [["field", 7, null]],
// Do this instead
import { SAMPLE_DATABASE } from "e2e/support/cypress_sample_database";
const query = {
"source-table": PRODUCTS_ID,
aggregation: [["count"]],
breakout: [["field", PRODUCTS.CATEGORY, null]],
Increase viewport size to avoid scrolling
Sometimes Metabase views are a bit large for Cypress’ default 1280x800 viewport. This can require you to scroll for tests to work. For example, virtualized tables will not even render the contents outside of the viewport. To avoid these problems, increase the viewport size for a specific test. Unless you’re specifically testing how the application behaves on a window resize, please avoid using the cy.viewport(width, height);
in the middle of the test. Set the viewport width/height using the optional Cypress test config instead. This config works with both describe
and it
describe("foo", { viewportWidth: 1400 }, () => {});
it("bar", { viewportWidth: 1600, viewportHeight: 1200 }, () => {});
Code reloading vs test reloading
When you edit a Cypress test file, the tests will refresh and run again. However, when you edit a code file, Cypress won’t detect that change. If you’re running yarn build-hot
, the code will rebuild and update within Cypress. You’ll have to manually click rerun after the new code has loaded.
Inspecting while the “contains helper” is open
One great feature of Cypress is that you can use the Chrome inspector after each step of a test. They also helpfully provide a helper that can test out contains
and get
calls. This helper creates new UI that prevents inspecting from targeting the correct elements. If you want to inspect the DOM in Chrome, you should close this helper.
Putting the wrong HTML template in the Uberjar
yarn build
and yarn build-hot
each overwrite an HTML template to reference the correct JavaScript files. If you run yarn build
before building an Uberjar for Cypress tests, you won’t see changes to your JavaScript reflected even if you then start yarn build-hot
Running Cypress on M1 machines
You might run into problems when running Cypress on M1 machine.
This is caused by the @bahmutov/cypress-esbuild-preprocessor
that is using esbuild
as a dependency. The error might look like this. The solution is to install NodeJS using one of the Node version managers like nvm or n.
Another issue you will almost surely face is the inability to connect to our Mongo QA Database. You can solve it by providing the following env:
Running tests that depend on Docker images
A subset of our tests depend on the external services that are available through the Docker images. At the time of this writing, those are the three supported external QA databases, Webmail, Snowplow and LDAP servers. The default cypress command will spin up all necessary docker containers for these tests to function properly, but you can toggle them off if you want
START_CONTAINERS=false yarn test-cypress
Running tests with Snowplow involved
Tests that depend on Snowplow expect a running server. This is enabled by default. You can manually enable them as well by spinning up the snowplow micro docker container and setting the appropriate environment variables:
docker-compose -f ./snowplow/docker-compose.yml up -d
export MB_SNOWPLOW_URL=http://localhost:9090
Testing with Snowplow
We have a few helpers for dealing with tests involving snowplow
- You can use
for EE edition) method to define tests that only run when a Snowplow instance is running - Use
test helper before each test to clear the queue of processed events. - Use
expectGoodSnowPlowEvent({ ...payload})
to assert on the content of a snowplow event. UseexpectGoodSnowplowEvents(count)
to assert that events have been sent and processed correctly. Prefer the more precise assertion on the actual payload to a mere count of events. - Use
after each test to assert that no invalid events have been sent.
Running tests that require SMTP server
Some of our tests depend on the email being set up, and require a local SMTP server. We use maildev
Docker image for that purpose. At the time of this writing the image we use is maildev/maildev:2.1.0
. The default cypress configuration for local development will handle this for you. If you want to set it up manually, you can use this command:
docker run -d -p 1080:1080 -p 1025:1025 maildev/maildev:latest
Cypress comes with Lodash
for free
We don’t need to have Lodash in our direct dependencies to be able to use it with Cypress. It is aliased with an underscore and its methods can be accessed with Cypress._.method()
. We can use _.times
method to stress-test a certain test (or a set of tests) locally.
// Run the test N times
Cypress._.times(N, () => {
it("should foo", () => {
// ...
Embedding SDK tests
Tests located in e2e/test-component/scenarios/embedding-sdk/
are used to run automated checks for the Embedding SDK.
In order to run the tests locally, see sdk docs about e2e
Sample Apps compatibility with Embedding SDK tests
In order to check compatibility between Sample Apps and Embedding SDK, we have a special test suite for each sample app that pulls this Sample App, starts it and runs its Cypress tests against the local metabase.jar
and local @metabase/embedding-sdk-react
To run these tests locally, run:
ENTERPRISE_TOKEN=<token> TEST_SUITE=<sample_app_repo_name>-e2e OPEN_UI=false EMBEDDING_SDK_VERSION=local START_METABASE=false GENERATE_SNAPSHOTS=false START_CONTAINERS=false yarn test-cypress
For example for the metabase-nodejs-react-sdk-embedding-sample
, run:
ENTERPRISE_TOKEN=<token> TEST_SUITE=metabase-nodejs-react-sdk-embedding-sample-e2e OPEN_UI=false EMBEDDING_SDK_VERSION=local START_METABASE=false GENERATE_SNAPSHOTS=false START_CONTAINERS=false yarn test-cypress
On our CI, test failures do not block the merging of a pull request (PR). However, if a test fails, it’s most likely due to one of the following reasons:
Build Failure:
The failure occurs during the build of a local
dist. This indicates there is likely a syntax or type error in the front-end code. -
Test Run Failure:
The failure occurs during the actual test execution. In this case, the PR may have introduced a change that either:
- Breaks the entire Metabase or Embedding SDK, or
- Breaks the compatibility between the Embedding SDK and the Sample Apps.
If a PR breaks compatibility between the Embedding SDK and the Sample Apps, the PR can still be merged. However, for each Sample App affected, a separate PR should be created to restore compatibility with the new @metabase/embedding-sdk-react
version when it is released. These compatibility PRs should be merged only once the Embedding SDK version containing breaking changes is officially released.
DB Snapshots
At the beginning of each test suite we wipe the backend’s db and settings cache. This ensures that the test suite starts in a predictable state.
Typically, we use the default snapshot by adding before(restore)
inside the first describe
block to restore before running the whole test suite. If you want to use a snapshot besides the default one, specify the name as an argument to restore
like this: before(() => restore("blank"))
. You can also call restore()
inside beforeEach()
to reset before every test, or inside specific tests.
Snapshots are created with a separate set of Cypress tests. These tests start with a blank database and execute specific actions to put the database in predictable state. For example: signup as, add a question, turn on setting ABC.
These snapshot-generating tests have the extension .cy.snap.js
. When these tests run they create db dumps in frontend/tests/snapshots/*.sql
. They are run before the tests begin and don’t get committed to git.
Running in CI
Cypress records videos of each test run, which can be helpful in debugging. Additionally, failed tests have higher quality images saved.
These files can be found under the “Artifacts” section for each run’s summary in GitHub Actions.
The example of the artifacts for a failed test in “Onboarding” directory:
Running Cypress tests against Metabase® Enterprise Edition™
Prior to running Cypress against Metabase® Enterprise Edition™, set MB_EDITION=ee
environment variable.
Enterprise instance will start without a premium token!
If you want to test premium features (feature flags), valid tokens need to be available to all Cypress tests. We achieve this by prefixing environment variables with CYPRESS_
You should provide two tokens that correspond to the EE/PRO
self-hosted (all features enabled) and STARTER
Cloud (no features enabled) Metabase plans. For more information, please see Metabase pricing page. (note: only a few tests require the no features token)
MB_EDITION=ee ENTERPRISE_TOKEN=xxxxxx yarn test-cypress
If you navigate to the /admin/settings/license
page, the license input field should display the active token. Be careful when sharing screenshots!
- If tests start running but the enterprise features are missing: make sure that the token you use has corresponding feature flags enabled.
- If everything with the token seems to be okay, go nuclear and destroy all Java processes: run
killall java
and restart Cypress.
Cypress allows us to tag tests, to easily find certain categories of tags. For example, we can tag all tests that require an external database with @external
and then run only those tests with yarn test-cypress --env grepTags="@external"
. Tags should start with @
just to make it easier to distinguish them from other strings in searches.
These are the tags currently in use:
- tests that require an external docker container to run@actions
- tests that use metabase actions and mutate data in a data source
How to stress-test a flake fix?
Fixing a flaky test locally doesn’t mean the fix works in GitHub’s CI environment. The only way to be sure the fix works is to stress-test it in CI. That’s what .github/workflows/e2e-stress-test-flake-fix.yml
is made for. It allows you to quickly test the fix in your branch without waiting for the full build to complete.
Please follow these steps:
- Create a new branch with your proposed fix and push it to the remote
- Either skip opening a PR altogether or open a draft pull request
Trigger the stress-test workflow manually
- Go to
- Click on Run workflow trigger next to “This workflow has a workflow_dispatch event trigger.”
- Choose your own branch in the first field “Use workflow from” (this part is crucial!)
- Copy and paste the relative path of the spec you want to test (e.g.
) - you don’t have to wrap it in quotes - Set the desired number of times to run the test
- Optionally provide a grep filter, according to the documentation
- Click the green “Run workflow” button and wait for the results
Things to keep in mind when using this workflow
- It will automatically try to find and download the previously built Metabase uberjar stored as an artifact from one of the past commits / CI runs.
- It was intended to be used for pure E2E fixes that don’t require new Metabase uberjar.
- If the fix required a source-code change (either backend of frontend), please open a regular PR instead and let the CI run all tests first. After this, you can trigger the stress-test workflow manually, as explained above, and it will automatically download newly built artifact from this CI run. Please, keep in mind that CI needs to fully finish running first. The workflow uses GitHub REST API which doesn’t see artifacts otherwise.
Individual Mocha reports are automatically generated per spec. They are stored in cypress/reports/mochareports
. Please keep in mind that the root level cypress/
folder is git ignored!
When tests run in CI we do some extra steps by merging these individual reports (using mochawesome-merge
), formatting them, and then generating customized GitHub Actions job summaries.
On an off chance that you need a unified test report while running tests locally, you can achieve that by invoking yarn generate-cypress-html-report
Read docs for other versions of Metabase.