These are the docs for the Metabase master branch. Some features documented here may not yet be available in the latest release. Check out the docs for the latest version, Metabase v0.53.

Migrating from legacy permissions

In Metabase 50, we overhauled our data permissions system to make it more expressive and easier to reason about. This page explains what changed and why.

The TL;DR: we split the old Data access setting into two settings: View data and Create Queries. Your data permissions may look different, but the access hasn’t changed.

How Metabase migrated your permissions

If you’re migrating from Metabase 50 or earlier, Metabase will (with one exception) automatically update your permissions to the new system. While group permissions will be slightly different (and we hope easier to reason about), your groups will have the same levels of access as before.

Why we updated our permissions system

The original Data access permission setting contained five levels of access: unrestricted, impersonated, granular, no self-service, and block. These levels aren’t at the same axis. They combined on one axis, whether you could view data, and on another axis, whether you could query that data. This created a two-dimensional setting:

  • No self-service. Restricts groups from using the query builder to create or edit questions.
  • Sandbox and block. Restricts view and query builder access to the underlying data.

Mixing two axes (querying + viewing) to a single permissions setting could yield unexpected behavior. For example, by changing access from “Sandboxed” to “No self-service”, an admin might think that they would be restricting that group’s access to data. But in that case, the group could potentially see more data, provided the group also had access to collections with existing models, questions, or dashboards.

What our overhaul of data permissions accomplishes

  • Splits view access and query access into two permission dimensions. This splitting allows admins to, for example, sandbox tables with or without access to the query builder (previously it wasn’t possible to configure sandboxing as view only).
  • Makes permissions easier to reason about. A more restrictive permission never gives more access than a less restrictive one.

Migration table from old permissions to new

This table is just if you’re interested in Metabase archeologically. Metabase handles the migration for you.

Before, Metabase had Data access and Native query editing. Now, Metabase has View data and Create queries. Here’s how Metabase migrated each pairing to the new system.

Data access Native query editing > View data Create queries
Unrestricted Yes > Can view Query builder and native code
Unrestricted No > Can view Query builder
No self-service No > Can view No
Blocked No > Blocked No
Impersonated Yes > Impersonated Query builder and native code
Impersonated No > Impersonated Query builder
Unrestricted (granular) No > Can view Query builder (granular)
Sandboxed (granular) No > Sandboxed (granular) Query builder (granular)
No self-service (granular) No > Can view No (granular)

The No self-service (deprecated) View access level

If you see the No self-service (deprecated) permission setting in View data for any group, you should manually change it at some point.

For any group that has their View data access set to No self-service (deprecated), you’ll need to change the View data permission to one of the new options:

If you take no action, Metabase will change any groups with View data access set to No self-service (deprecated) to Blocked in a future release. We’re defaulting to “Blocked”, the least permissive View data access, to prevent any unintended access to data. But this change to Blocked could cause people to lose access to data they previously had access to.

Why we couldn’t migrate this setting manually

In the old permissions system, consider people in multiple groups.

  • Unrestricted data access meant that blocks, sandboxes, or impersonations from your other groups DO NOT affect you.
  • No Self Service data access meant that blocks, sandboxes, or impersonations from your other groups DO affect you.

Say you have the following groups in the old permissions framework:

  Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E
Data Access Unrestricted No self-service Blocked Sandboxed Impersonated

If you’re a member of Group A and one of Group C, D, or E, you’ll have full, unrestricted access to the data, with no blocks, sandboxes, or impersonations applied.

If you’re a member of Group B and one of Group C, D, or E, you’ll have limited access to the data: either blocked, sandboxed, or impersonated.

We could migrate the permissions like so:

  Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E
View data Can view ? Blocked Sandboxed Impersonated
Create queries Query Builder only No No Query Builder only Query Builder only

We can’t really make a call on what Group B’s View data should be. If we switch it to Can view, the person won’t be affected by the Blocked, Sandboxed, or Impersonated settings in their other group. If we set it to Blocked, they could lose access to data that you think they should have access to. So we created an interim setting, No self-service (legacy) to manage this (temporarily) awkward transition.

For some permission setups with groups that have “No self-service” and “Sandboxed” data access, you may need to create a new group to replicate the setup in 50 or higher

In Metabase 49, the (more permissive) “No self-service” data access couldn’t override the (less permissive) “Sandboxed” access, you could set up Metabase 49 in ways that were difficult to reason about.

In the new permission system starting in Metabase 50, more permissive settings always override less permissive settings. This consistent behavior makes permissions a lot easier to reason about. One consequence of this improvement, however, is that in order to recreate certain permissions setups when upgrading to Metabase 50, you may need to create an additional group.

For example, let’s say you have two groups in Metabase 49 under the old data access permission, the All users group and the Foo group.

Permission setup in 49:

  • All users group has “No self-service” data access to all of the tables in the Sample Database.
  • Foo group has “Sandboxed” access to the tables in the Sample Database.

This data access setup in 49 would allow people to view questions and dashboards in collections they have access to. People in the Foo group, however, would get a sandboxed view of the items. In this case, the less permissive “Sandboxed” data access in the Foo group overrode the more permissive “No self-service” in the All users group.

Starting with Metabase 50, however, more permissive settings always override less permissive settings. So in order to keep Foo’s sandboxes in tact, we’d need to make the All users group have a View data permission setting that is less permissive than the “Sandboxed” setting. So we’ll need to set the View data permission for All users to “Blocked.”

But if you still want everyone else who isn’t in the Foo group to view items in collections they have access to, you’ll need to create an additional group, Bar, that contains everyone except for people in the Foo group, and grant that Bar group “Can view” access to the Sample database. The Bar group’s “Can view” access will override the All Users group’s “Blocked” setting, and they’ll be able to view the questions and dashboards. Meanwhile, Foo group still has its sandboxes. Here’s a summary of the settings for 50 that you’d need:

Permission setup in 50:

  • All users group is “Blocked” for all tables in the Sample database.
  • Foo group has View data permission of “Sandboxed” for all tables in the Sample database.
  • Create a new group, Bar, that includes everyone in the All users group except for people in the Foo group. Set this Bar group’s View data permission to “Can view” for the Sample database.

Further reading

Read docs for other versions of Metabase.